猴哥的本科一年级第一学期(The Monkey’s First Term as Freshman)




定理 1 (翘课大定理) 翘课的大学生活分十步:

  1. 睡晚;
  2. 意外晚起床;
  3. 故意放纵晚起;
  4. 意外迟到;
  5. 故意迟到;
  6. 翘课;
  7. 返回第1步,循环至考试结束后;
  8. 挂科;
  9. 被大学清退。



A term flies deadly fast, as the one-month vacation is going away just in a while. This post is a review only for academic in last term.

The first class in my university life was Calculus. In my instigation, Fark as well as his dorm mates in the next-door dormitory, went to classroom to take seats in the early morning. (It may be true that the fashion of seats-taking was produced by me.) I still got up according to the BHSF Standard Time (2007), not early. When I arrived, they had been there for a long time, while they preferred the seats in the center. Thus I could take my favorite seat position. Then, my classmates always help me take seat.

It is believed right to insisted some habits in high school. According to the Monkey’s Great Theorem of Class-Skipping, only in this way, can I make my university life fine.

Theorem 1 (the Monkey’s Great Theorem of Class-Skipping) The life of class-skipping in universities is as follow:

  1. Staying up late,
  2. Getting up late accidentally,
  3. Getting up late deliberately,
  4. Being late occasionally,
  5. Being late on purpose,
  6. Absence,
  7. Looping from Step 1, until the end of exams;
  8. Core subjects failed,
  9. Being kicked off.






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