从SVN转向GIT (Turn to GIT from SVN)






$ git svn clone svn://localhost --no-meta -s carlo

重新启动以后,再运行上面的代码就可以了。TortoiseGit也有类似的Git Clone功能,但是如果从本地的工作拷贝导入,会出现一些奇怪的问题。所以猴哥使用了本地的SVN服务器导入。






Revision control, also known as version control and source control (and an aspect of software configuration management or SCM), is the management of changes to documents, programs, large web sites and other information stored as computer files. It is most commonly used in software development, where a teamof people may change the same files. For the Monkey, it is used to manage the codes and do the team-work.

The Monkey used to code with SVN, which is one of the popular revision control system. With the suggestion from a person who does not want to publish his name, the Monkey decided to  turn to Git, in which the Monkey can commit without the Internet connection.

The Monkey would like to switch the NP-Carlo project from SVN into Git. Because of the requirement of Internet connection when commit, the Monkey had not committed the modifications of NP-Carlo for quite a long time. So, the working copy came to very dirty. Especially the new folder, which was cloned by the monkey, was incorrectly treated as the original folder rather than a new folder. The Monkey spent a long time to solve the problem by deleting all the “.svn” meta-data.

According to the book, the following command would migrate the code into Git. However, the Monkey’s computer might not finish its previous task. The command went to irresponsible.

$ git svn clone svn://localhost --no-meta -s carlo

After rebooting, the command above worked for the Monkey. But the cloned folder made the Monkey anxious, in which there was only files in the trunk of SVN working copy. The Monkey realized that Git does not use folders to divide the trunk and branches — the working copy should be re-checkout if the Monkey wants to switch into a branch!

To make the working copy tidy, the Monkey only imported the Carlo folder into Git, and deleted others, which were not in the project, but just for debugging, from the revision control.  After that, the reversion number turned back from 13 to 1, which were not included the uncommitted modifications because of the connection.

Git is good, but the Monkey does not want to switch everything into Git, especially the coming MCM paper. Because the Git may not suit for the non-code stuff.

During the converting, the Monkey found some good books (ProGitSVNBook), which are worth reading to understand the revision control.







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