集成计数器的级联问题 (Series Connecting of Integrated Counters)





Series connecting problem is always together with counting period modifying problem.

No matter in what order we implement the two steps, two tips are always useful.

  • If using states to generate carry signal for series or reset signal for period changing, designers should always use all states before current section inclusively to ensure a valid signal, or the generated signal may be active just at the carrying or resetting moment of CURRENT section.
  • If using reset signal to trigger next timer (let’ s call that carry signal), chip users should match the synchronous reset to synchronous series connecting, and vice versa. Because asynchronous signals can not trigger the synchronous enabling pin of next timer, and synchronous signals will trigger the next section in an earlier clock period.

To serially connect two counters, we can change their modus before connecting them, or do that after their connecting. The former has two ways to choose the trigger of the next counters: from states or from reset signals.
Considering a modules-style to keep its robustness, designers should simply choose reset signals to trigger the next timers and states to reset. In this way, we can just determine the scheme step by step.







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